Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Designing a Google Logo with Jacobsen Middle School students

We had a great time helping teachers at Jacobsen Middle School today!  Google is featuring a programming activity, where kids from 4th through 8th grade can design their own version of the Google logo and submit it for consideration to be used during Computer Science Week in December. A few teachers at JMS allowed us to come into their classrooms and help their students participate in this activity. We worked with the students and started them off with the basics of picking different characters that they wanted for each letter then taught them how to set a themed background. They could then animate their letters. For example, one student who really likes soccer programmed a soccer ball "o" to move across the screen in which it made it look like a goal was being scored.

We were very excited to be at the middle school teaching the students programming. We go to all the elementary schools to teach the younger students programming but this is the first year we've done it at the middle school level. I can't wait to see what other programs and how many more students we can reach at the middle school.


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